Apply: Productivity

Identify techniques and tools that promote productivity

Post-Reflection: In the "Apply" section, you are asked to put theory into practice and apply your new learning. Begin by opening up the pre-reflection document you downloaded on the "Thing" page. Update the "Define," "Connect," and "Apply" sections with your post-reflection about how your new learning has or will change your instructional practice.

Digital Artifact: Next, CHOOSE from one of the options below OR use an activity/template you completed during this "Thing."  Create a digital artifact to demonstrate competency for this "Thing."


Create a digital artifact about how to incorporate this “Thing” in the classroom or to improve professional practice.  You may use any platform, process, or product to portray your message.  Share it with colleagues.

For ideas on making this artifact, refer to Creative Communication or Digital Storytelling.

By completing this application, your artifact should help you align with the ISTE Educator Standard - Leader 2c (modeling).


Create a lesson plan for your content area that incorporates what you learned in this "Thing."  Be sure to iinclude connections to the standards you are addressing, and how you meet the needs of all learners.  Share it with colleagues.

For ideas on making this artifact, refer to the lesson planning template in Blended Learning.

By completing this application, your artifact should help you align with the ISTE Educator Standards - Designer 5a (accommodations), 5b (content area) & Analyst 7a (personalized).


Create an interactive learning space for students or staff that incorporates the learning from this "Thing."  You might make a unit in an LMS, an interactive Choice Board or HyperDoc, or design “Communication” for use in a digital environment.  Share it with colleagues.

For ideas on making this artifact, utilize this HyperDoc template or refer to Creative Communication and Tech Best Practice.

By completing this application, your artifact should help you align with the ISTE Educator Standards - Designer 5a (accommodate and differentiate), 5c (digital learning environment) & Analyst 7a (personalize).


Create an assessment plan for this "Thing."  Describe some formative and summative methods of collecting data; how you might incorporate student goal setting and reflection; how teacher data collection will inform instruction, and build student ownership of learning goals as well as opportunities for data driven dialogue.

For ideas on making this artifact, refer to the T3PD model in Assessment and Analysis.

By completing this application, your artifact should help you align with the ISTE Educator Standards - Analyst 7b (design assessments), 7c (self-directed learners).


Share your learning about this "Thing" with your local or global digital network.  Actively engage in meaningful dialogue by posting, sharing and following; use the #21things4 hashtag where appropriate.

For ideas on interacting with your PLN, refer to Global Collaboration.

By completing this application, your artifact should help you align with the ISTE Educator Standard - Learner 1b (participate in PLNs).



After reviewing a tool, app, or resource in this "Thing," reflect on how it might be used in your own professional practice.  Be sure to locate its data privacy policy and share your findings and how it may impact student use.  Consider how it would engage, extend, or enhance a lesson by applying Triple E. 

For ideas on creating this artifact, utilize this evaluating tech tools template and this Triple E template

By completing this application, your artifact should help you align with the ISTE Educator Standard - Citizen 3d (data privacy) and Learner 1c (research driven).


Apply the research based, best practice strategies of one of the Tech Models (SAMR, TPACK, TIM) by designing a digital artifact or redesigning a lesson that shows how one of the models can be applied to this "Thing." You may use any platform, process, or product to portray your message. Include in your artifact what you knew about the model and this "Thing" before you began, what you learned, and how you are applying and improving your professional practice.  How can these work with and support your district's Ed Tech Vision?

For ideas on SAMR, TPACK, and TIM, refer to Tech Best Practice.

By completing this application, your artifact should help you align with the ISTE Educator Standards - Learner 1c (research driven) & Leader 2b(shared vision).


Create an Action Plan for this "Thing" that facilitates learning for all learners. Articulate how you might support struggling students, personalize the learning, incorporate UDL, and differentiate for students when incorporating your new learning from this "Thing."  Also, share opportunities to advocate for equitable access or digital equity as it relates to this "Thing."

For ideas on creating this plan, refer to Thing 20 and Thing 21 and utilize this Action Plan Template.

By completing this application, your artifact should help you align with the ISTE Educator Standards - Leader 2b (advocate equitable access) & Designer 5a (accommodations/UDL/differentiation) & Analyst 7a (personalized).

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