Connect: Productivity

Identify techniques and tools that promote productivity

Next, review curated resources for teaching and learning in "CONNECT."

fourth grade

MiTechKids Empowered Learner, Digital Citizen, Global Collaborator task card for fourth grade.  Evernote is an app used for note-taking, organizing, task management, and archiving. It allows users to create notes, which can be text, drawings, photographs, or saved web content. Students can add to their notes outside of school or use their phone as a notebook.

Evernote - Writer's Notebook


21Things4Students: Thing 3 - My Digital Life.  In this Quest you will discover how to use data collection tools to learn more about yourself so that you can be more productive at school. 

Quest 1:  What's Your Style?


21Things4Students: Thing 3 - My Digital Life.  This Quest focuses on helping you discover some ways to organize your digital life and workspace. 

Quest 3:  Let's Get Organized

Tools and resources to make learning accessible

Make Learning Accessible

For additional resources to support students on becoming expert learners, visit Thing 20.

For additional resources to support students with special needs, visit Thing 21.

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