Connect: Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Create expert learners with intentional design using the UDL framework

Next, review curated resources for teaching and learning in "CONNECT."

21 Things 4 Students - Accomodations

The 21Things4Students website has a page devoted for teacher resources.  The accommodations section on that page provides teachers with supports and strategies for ensuring that students are able to access and respond to 21 Things 4 Students Quests.  It contains accommodation tips and tools for vision, auditory, ESL, motor skills, reading, communication and more.

Technology to Support Multiple Means of Engagement

Interactive tools that provide participation with instant feedback allowing surveys, responses, etc. can provide opportunities for all students.  Interactive slide presentations such as Peardeck, FlipGrid, and Desmos can also provide engagement.

Technology to Support Multiple Means of Representation

Moving text from a paper based option to an electronic option provides much flexibility in how the text can be manipulated, enlarged, simplified, spoken, and highlighted. Many of these options are built into the operating systems of students’ devices.  Here are some additional options:


Technology to Support Multiple Means of Action and Expression

Technology provides an awesome array of opportunities to increase options in which an individual can express his/her knowledge.

  • Writing Supports 
    • For those students who find writing/typing difficult, simple supports like spell check, grammar check, Grammarly, dictionary features, Rewordify, and word prediction are useful for many. Speech-to-text or dictation also provides a helpful option.
  • Graphic organizers
    • Graphic organizers can help address all three of the UDL principles. Teachers can use them to provide alternate means to represent information, highlight critical features or activate background knowledge. They can also provide an alternate way for students to demonstrate their understanding and organize information. A sampling of free graphic organizers/mind maps include: Popplet Lite (iOS), Mindmup (Chrome Extension), Holt Interactive Graphic Organizers (web or paper based), or Coggle (web-based). 
  • Multimedia production tools
    • Using the many multimedia production tools for video and audio can be powerful and engaging options for many students. For more information on multimedia production tools, see Thing 3 - Audio & Visual Learning.


Graduation cap with a check mark

Support Best Practice

Choice, flexibility and overcoming barriers are key features in an Universal Design for Learning approach. Let technology help support your journey to provide access and learning to ALL students. 

Try these resources for more information.

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