Whether it’s the beginning of the school year, or the beginning of a new course sometime during the year, the first few weeks can be a challenge. Getting to know students and establishing a classroom culture takes time. But what do they need to know about their online workspace so they can be productive and efficient?
Establishing the rules of engagement for an effective learning environment needs to take center stage. Developing norms and key working agreements is always a part of the mix. Without spending hours and hours on class rules, here are 10 strategies that can help you establish a classroom culture. These guidelines will help you to provide protocols for a productive learning environment, and establish the key working agreements and norms of the classroom. From device checkout to hardware and software troubleshooting – going through these policies and procedures can take time. Not to mention the expectations for online interactions, social responsibility, and safe online search strategies.
For students, transitioning between face-to-face and online learning experiences can be a challenge without guidance. How to checkout devices, rules for online interactions, and troubleshooting are often issues that come to the forefront and take time away from the intended lesson. Teachers often spend countless hours talking through the policies and procedures or repeating themselves over and over.
The challege of practice is to create an interactive journey where students are engaged in the learning. A good onboarding experience provides the tools and resources students need to be successful, while fulfilling the learning targets. The goal of any successful onboarding unit is to provide a roadmap for success in the blended classroom.
Here are your strategies for success!
10 Strategies for Onboarding Students in Online Learning
Successful onboarding programs can take many forms. From creating an interactive syllabus to adding several folders of procedures, protocols, and processes in an LMS -- there are many ways to present the information in a way that guides the learning.
Join us on the journey as we review the strategies, tools, and resources you can tap to create your own onboarding unit. Move through the 10 Strategies and create your own tick-list for an Onboarding unit to positively launch your students' experience in their digital workspace.