Connect: Suite Tools

Explore cloud based “office” tools

Next, review curated resources for teaching and learning in "CONNECT."

third grade

MiTechKids Computational Thinker task card for third grade.  Students will use  Google Forms and Google Sheets to create authentic data to create a graph. Students will also analyze the data they have gathered.

Surveys and Graphing

fifth grade

MiTechKids Global Collaborator task card for fifth grade.  Students will choose a problem or issue from their local community that needs a solution. They will create a Google Form that will be used to gather community opinions and perceptions to help create a solution to a local issue. Using a QR code, students will create posters with links to their Google Form and post them around the community.

Solving Problems Together

suite tools

21Things4Students: Thing 4 - Suite Tools.  These quests are designed to help students learn to use word processing tools (Google Docs or Microsoft Word). Students will learn to use formatting tools, use shortcuts, do file management, add and edit graphics, share their files, use tables, headers and footers, and much much more.

Gdrive Docs     Microsoft Word

powerful presentations

21Things4Students: Thing 11 - Powerful Presentations.  During these Quests you are going to learn how to present your ideas creatively through Google Slides or Microsoft PowerPoint. If you would like to try Prezi as an option use the Gold Quests. 

Powerful Presentation Quests

dig the data

21Things4Students: Thing 13 - Dig the Data.  This Thing contains ten Quests. You will learn to create spreadsheets and charts, use formulas, and make decisions based on data. Dig In!

Dig the Data

Tools and resources to make learning accessible

Make Learning Accessible

Goolge Drive


Visual Clarity

  • Use top fonts for visual clarity: Verdana, APHont, Corbel, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Arial, Tahoma.

Support Best Practice

Apply a variety cloud based suite tools to enhance curriculum and instruction.

Leverage collaborative functions of the suite tools in large group, small group, and individual settings to enhance learning.

Content Knoweldge
Use cloud based suite tools to demonstrate mastery of content area instructional goals.

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